Principal’s Update #3 Term 2

We are on our last day of swimming lessons for 2024 and we have been treated to some unseasonable warm weather to make the experience more comfortable for our students. I think we can all agree that we are now looking forward to getting back into our normal routines and structures for the final six weeks of term. If your child has misplaced any items during the last two weeks, we have a lost and found at the library.

MAGIC Breakfast
Last Friday, we held our annual MAGIC Breakfast for all our Mothers, Aunties, Grandmothers and Important Carers to celebrate Mother’s Day. This wonderful event was well attended with more than 350 bacon, eggs and sausages cooked to show our appreciation of all the wonderful things that our mothers and special carers do for us all. Our OHSC, TheirCare kindly donated the coffee van to attend on the morning which was also really well received.

Interschool Basketball
Throughout the year, students from Year 5&6 have been busy training with Mr Grace and Mr Donohue in preparation to represent their school at the Summerslam Basketball tournament in Mundaring next Thursday. I know all students will do KPS proud in their efforts and sportsmanship.

School Early Closure – 20 June
We have received approval from the Department of Education to close at 11:45am on Thursday 20 June 2024. The reason for the early closure is for parent/teacher meetings to happen in the afternoon and early evening. During these sessions you will book a time to discuss your child’s grades 1 on 1 with the classroom teacher and gain more insight into how they are achieving and what the next steps are. This was discussed with the School Board and received endorsement to trial this year.

Winter Uniforms
Can you please ensure that your children wear school jackets and jumpers? Our new designs look fantastic and promote the school in a positive light. If you don’t have a school jacket or jumper please send your child in a plain blue one without name brands etc.

Year 6 students will attend their four day camp to Woodman’s Point in Week 8. This camp is always a highlight for both students and staff every year. Students have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities such as zip lining, abseiling, archery, orienteering and mountain bike riding. Camp also brings the students together as closer group and strengthens their relationships with their peers and teachers. Mrs Aim, Mrs Higgins and I look forward to coming along at certain times to enjoy the experience as well. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us and we stay dry.

Pre Kindy Now Open
Our new Pre-Kindy service is now operating with a great turnout of families joining us for some fun and the opportunity to get to know some new friends. We are excited to offer this exciting opportunity for our community. It is our aim to provide our next generation of students with a taste of school life. Please email for more information.

KPS School Board
The KPS School Board is our governing body that is made up of parents, staff and community members. The Board meets 1-2 times a term to discuss various aspects of the school including academic data, school approaches and our Business Plan. The Board Chair is Mr Daniel Attewell who often liaises with the parents on the Board. We will have some vacancies that arise this year that you may be interested in. If you would like any further information please email me at

Playgroup at KPS
Our playgroup service is operating in the OSH building. This initiative aims to bring our youngest community members into our school to make some new friends and enjoy playing together. It is also an opportunity for parents/carers to meet some new families in a casual and friendly environment. Children aged 0-5 are welcome to attend. Please email for more information.

OHSC – Their Care
Our out of hours school care provider is operating onsite at KPS. It is a great opportunity for your children to have a structured day care experience without having to leave the school grounds. Please contact them directly with them for more information on1300 072 410 or